Monroe County Commissioner • District 3

Jody Madeira
Affordable housing
Revise zoning regulations
Current Position
Law Professor

Joe VanDeventer
Transportation access
Encourage manufacturing jobs
Current Position
Assistant public works director
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Jody Madeira
Affordable housing
Revise zoning regulations
Jody Madeira is running to become County Commissioner in District 3 against Joe VanDeventer in one of the only contested local races. She is now an IU Maurer School of Law professor and beat incumbent Penny Githens in this year’s primary.

Joe VanDeventer
Transportation access
Encourage manufacturing jobs
Joe VanDeventer is challenging Jody Madeira in one of the only contested local races, for County Commissioner District 3. He is the assistant public works director and director of street operations for the City of Bloomington, before which he worked for the Monroe County Highway Department.
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