6-year-old cancer patient's wish was to surprise and thank doctors, nurses
TOP: Roslyn and Gwendolyn Rogers make a wish on Roslyn's cake by blowing glitter on it May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the Cake Bake Shop. After the cake was fully done, Roslyn was able to brush glitter on it, a Cake Bake Shop tradition.
BOTTOM: Roslyn and Stephanie McCormick, the president of the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana region of the Make-A-Wish foundation, greet Roslyn's medical team May 12, 2022, in Riley Hospital for Children. Roslyn decided to use her wish to bake a cake for her medical team to thank them. The majority of wish requests fall into five categories: I wish to go, I wish to be, I wish to meet, I wish to have, or I wish to give.
With edible glitter spilled on the table, a little girl with icing coated fingers gracefully brushed sparkles all over a cake. When she was done, it was time to make a wish. She scooped up a handful of the glitter, closed her eyes and blew it on the cake, the final touch.
Six-year-old Roslyn, from Macy, Indiana, was diagnosed in February 2020 with Wilm's tumor, a rare form of kidney cancer, making her a candidate for the Make-A-Wish foundation. Roslyn’s wish was the 19,000th wish granted by the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana region of the foundation.
The Make-A-Wish foundation aims to grant a wish to every child with a critical illness. The majority of wish requests fall into five categories: I wish to go, I wish to be, I wish to meet, I wish to have or I wish to give, according to their website.
Roslyn’s wish fell into the “I wish to give” category, as she wanted to thank the doctors and nurses who helped her through her journey at Riley Hospital for Children with a cake. On May 12, she spent the day at the Cake Bake Shop with owner Gwendolyn Rogers to bake two cakes: one for her medical team and one for her family.
For her medical team Roslyn made a carrot cake, because she said it was healthy, and for her family she made a mint chocolate chip cake.
After baking and decorating the cakes, Roslyn, her family, and Make-A-Wish employees and volunteers headed over to Riley’s to surprise her medical team. The team members were asked to gather in the lobby of the hospital and led to a room where Roslyn greeted them.
“Surprise!” she said as they opened the door.
Roslyn and Gwendolyn Rogers, the owner of the Cake Bake Shop, decorate a cake for Rosyln to take home to her family May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the shop. Roslyn and her family gathered at the shop that morning to bake and decorate the cake and to enjoy treats.
Roslyn licks frosting off of her fingers May 12, 2022, in the Cake Bake Shop. She is the 19,000th recipient for the Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio region of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Six-year-old Roslyn watches Gwendolyn Rogers scrape icing off of her cake May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the shop. Roslyn was diagnosed in February 2020 with Wilm's tumor, a rare form of kidney cancer, making her a candidate for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
Roslyn and Gwendolyn Rogers, the Cake Bake Shop owner, sprinkle glitter on the cake May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the shop. Rogers helped Roslyn decorate and put the cake together.
Roslyn gives Gwendolyn Rogers a hug May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the Cake Bake Shop. Roslyn baked two cakes while at the Cake Bake Shop, one for her medical team and one for her family.
Stephanie McCormick, the president of the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana region of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, takes a photo of Roslyn, her family and Gwendolyn Rogers, the owner of The Cake Bake Shop, on May 12, 2022, in the Broad Ripple location of the shop. Rosyln was the recipient of the 19,000th wish for the region.
Members of Roslyn's medical team stand along a wall May 12, 2022, in Riley's Children's Hospital. The team was told to gather in the lobby so Roslyn could surprise them.
Katie Ferrell, a Make-A-Wish employee, talks to Roslyn on May 12, 2022, in Riley Hospital for Children. Ferrell ran a Facebook Live while Roslyn was surprising her medical team.
Six-year-old Roslyn hands a piece of cake to one of the doctors from her medical team May 12, 2022, in Riley Hospital for Children. Roslyn was diagnosed in February 2020 with Wilm's tumor, a rare form of kidney cancer.
Members of Roslyn's medical team eat cake May 12, 2022, in Riley Hospital for Children. Roslyn made a carrot cake for her team.
Two Make-A-Wish workers cut a cake May 12, 2022, in Riley Hospital for Children. Volunteers gathered at the hospital to decorate before Roslyn and her family arrived to greet the medical team.
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